Leading4Safety™ Digital Safety Meeting Toolkit
Leading4Safety is a digital collection of 20 comprehensive safety meeting scripts, activities and statistics on a variety of common safety topics to hold the most effective, interactive safety meetings.
Need To Add Some Life To Your Safety Meetings?
Let Leading4Safety™ Digital Meeting Toolkit help reduce the time spent preparing for safety meetings AND help you hold more compelling meetings that will have a long-lasting impact on your employees.
The 20 Topics covered include: Back Safety, Bloodborne Pathogens, Chemical Safety, Confined Space Entry, Electrical Safety, Employee Safety Responsibilityy, Ergonomics, Eye and Face Protection, Fire Safety, Foot Protection, Forklift Safety, Hand and Power Tool Safety, Hand Protection, Head Protection, Housekeeping, Ladder Safety, Lockout/Tagout, Machine Guarding, Safe Driving and Slips, Trips and Falls
Add posters to match your topics: www.clement.com/safety-posters/posters-by-topic.html
Each meeting includes the following modules:
- Pre-meeting Instructor’s Guide to prepare you and any other shift safety manager for each safety meeting.
- Fully-researched Meeting Lesson and Quiz with an attention-getting ice breaker.
- Interactive Activities strewn throughout each meeting to keep employees engaged, awake and learning the entire time.
- Real-life Safety Incident stories with that drive home how careless mistakes can cost more than time away from work.
- Safety Meeting Wrap-Up to give your audience the key takeaways for each safety topic, both on and off the job.
- Meeting Self-Assessment to review the successes or areas requiring more focus following each meeting.
- Planning Calendar to note when, where and what topic your next safety meeting will be.
- Sign-in Sheet to document participant attendance.